Facial fat grafting is an excellent procedure for restoring subtle amounts of volume to the face that help to enhance its natural contours and maintain its youthful beauty. In order to perform the procedure, the fat must first be extracted and processed.
The fat will be harvested from an area of the body that contains excess body fat, like the thighs or abdomen. The harvested fat is then placed inside a centrifuge that will rapidly spin in order to separate the fat from any other liquids and tissues. The purified fat is now ready to be injected into the desired areas […]
As we age, our skin begins to lose its strength and elasticity and we slowly lose facial volume. This causes noticeable facial folds to form. Some of the most noticeable facial folds are the nasolabial folds, which extend from the corners of the nose down to the corners of the mouth.
Nasolabial folds can be very prominent, which makes them difficult to cover up. The best way to reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds is to restore lost facial volume to the area. This can be done by injecting Juvederm Ultra Plus XC into the tissue around the mouth and nose, […]
Belotero Balance is an FDA-approved cosmetic dermal filler that is capable of softening the wrinkles and fine lines that have been etched into your face by time. It can be used to treat areas all across the face, and the results it provides have been shown to last for an average of six months.
The key to the amazing results that Belotero provides is the hyaluronic acid featured in its smooth gel formula. Once the gel has been injected into the desired area of the face, the hyaluronic acid helps to fill in the lines and wrinkles and keep the skin […]
Have you noticed a pimple-like bump forming on your eyelid? These bumps are known as styes. They form due to a bacterial infection that has occurred in either the follicle of one of the eyelashes or in one of the oil-producing glands in the eyelid. Because the issue is an infection, a small yellowish spot forms at the center of the bump due to the buildup of pus.
A stye can be a very painful and uncomfortable issue to deal with. It will begin to grow if not taken care of properly or if not addressed quickly, which can lead to […]
Are you unhappy with the appearance of your chin? Both men and women can greatly benefit from having a well-defined chin and jawline. Unfortunately, you do not have control over the shape your chin and jaw develop into. In addition to this, facial bones become thinner over time due to the effects of aging, and this diminishes the definition of your chin.
Many patients have been able to satisfy their aesthetic needs and restore the appearance of their chin and jawline by undergoing a liquid chin augmentation. A dermal filler will be injected into several key areas of your chin and […]
Upper-eyelid blepharoplasty is the ideal procedure for patients who feel like their eyes have an aged appearance or a constantly worn-out look. However, many patients who are bothered by the aged appearance of their eyes are often concerned with how natural their results will look, which prevents them from pursuing the procedure.
Patients who are interested in upper-eyelid blepharoplasty can be confident that their results will look natural and that no post-surgical marks will be visible. Oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Lewen uses extreme precision when removing excess tissue and focuses on removing just the right amount of tissue so that […]
Do you have noticeable bags under your eyes that are giving you a constant tired appearance? This is a common issue caused by the presence of excess fat under the lower eyelids. The presence of fat is normal around the eyes and helps to protect the eyes. However, as we age, the tissues in the eye socket become weaker, allowing the fat to bulge outwards and form bags under the eyes.
This issue can be corrected by undergoing a lower-eyelid blepharoplasty. The procedure will remove or reposition the excess fat under your eyes through a small incision made along the inside […]
Healthy-looking skin and an even complexion enhance the beauty of your face. Unfortunately, there are a lot of factors that can diminish the beauty of your skin. The sun can be especially damaging to your skin. Exposure to sunlight can produce odd pigmentation in the skin, which leads to the formation of dark age spots.
One of the treatments for eliminating age spots is the IPL photofacial. This treatment uses a special handpiece to deliver intense pulses of highly focused light into the skin. The energy emitted by the device breaks up the spots of pigmented skin so that your skin […]
The appearance of your chin can be altered by just a small amount of fat accumulation. Once a bulge of fat starts to form in the area under your chin, it can be immediately noticeable to you and those around you. If this issue is left untreated, you may end up with the appearance of a “double chin.”
Targeting excess chin fat is a difficult thing to do. Even following a proper diet and exercising regularly won’t guarantee you the results you want. Fortunately, there is a way to permanently and precisely eliminate that unwanted chin fat: Kybella.
Kybella is an FDA-approved […]
Tearing disorders can occur for multiple reasons. They can be the result of a genetic issue or trauma, or they can occur because of an obstruction in the tear ducts. Tearing disorders can cause a number of issues. Some people may experience tearing at odd or inconvenient times, others may suffer from blurry vision due to excess tears.
If the tears are not able to properly drain from the eyes, the surrounding tissue can become irritated and red. If the issue is not addressed and the tears remain stagnant in the tear duct, bacteria can form. This can result in severe […]